The exam playing cards In this particular area simulate a payment that succeeds with no authentication. We propose also testing situations that contain authentication, making use of 3D Protected check playing cards. Stripe’s fraud prevention program, Radar, can block payments once they have a high possibility degree or fall short!s51c69f9d655a4e2d86f483b282c3a3cf&ithint=file%2Cdocx&e=xOn78q&migratedtospo=true&redeem=aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3cvYy9kN2RiZjE1YzYxODc5NTJiL0VaMmZ4bEZhWlMxT2h2U0Rzb0xEbzg4QldKbzRuMzUyeDI4ZEJnb2JZdmFnc2c_ZT14T243OHE